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Can someone harass you in a WFH environment?

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2022 | Whistleblower

In the age of the modern digital workforce, work from home (WFH) situations has exploded exponentially, especially with changes in recent years. Some major changes in workplace culture have surfaced because of this. However, some problems in the culture remain the same.

This is true of harassment, which unfortunately continues to find a way even with the digital distance between employees.

A rise in sexual harassment

The New York Times discusses harassment in the modern age of work. Unfortunately, it is still a prevalent issue. In fact, in some ways, harassment has increased in the digital workplace, potentially due to a lack of closer monitoring from supervisors and the feeling that harassers can “get away” with more.

First, sexual harassment has seen an increase. Assault and physical contact never needed to be part of the equation to start with. For example, sexual harassment can involve the perpetrator trying to exchange promotions or raises in return for sexual favors. It can also involve threats if the victim does not comply and provide sexual favors.

What forms does it take?

In the digital workplace, sexual harassment can come in even more forms. The perpetrator may send lewd pictures or text messages. They could try to set a target of harassment or send links to inappropriate sexual content such as pornographic websites. They may send pictures of their genitals or flash the target in video chats. Digital means of communication provide many new avenues for harassment.

Fortunately, they also provide new avenues of recording and documenting instances of harassment. This way, if you face such behavior, you can collect evidence and approach legal aid to see what options for action you may have.