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Crucial Tips to Solving Employment Disputes

by | Mar 5, 2017 | Employment Law

Witnessing employment disputes has become a norm in recent years in various occupations. Whether such arguments stem from conflicts between co-workers or feuds between employees and their bosses, solving them cannot be emphasized enough. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has been instituted to efficiently enforce statutes aimed at protecting workers from harassment or employment discrimination on various grounds. Most workplace disputes stem from gross discrimination by race, gender, religion and sexual orientation.

Despite their diligent work ethic, the EEOC can only preside over employment discrimination lawsuits filed within 180 days after the particular crime has occurred. Once an employment dispute lawsuit is filed, the EEOC conducts an impartial and independent investigation intended at determining whether a law has been violated. As a victim in an employment dispute, you can prove discrimination based on your national origin without presenting sufficient evidence on your nationality. In most cases, a worker might be discriminated solely based on the assumption that they were born in a particular country, when in fact, they were born in another.

While in the course of task execution, you might fall victim to ethnic slurs or physical altercations which are categorically classified as employment discrimination. In such a case, you must prove that the racial or sexual comments adversely affected the work environment. Once proven, the EOCC will issue the best judgment as specified by previous precedents. It is crucial to note that such actions are only aimed at restoring your dignity, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Foreign workers mostly experience speech accent while communicating with their colleagues. Even though speaking with an accent is not a crime in its basic nature, your employer might enforce regulations when speech accents interfere with job performance. However, if their oratory skills are impeccable, then discriminating them on such grounds would be considered illegal. Likewise, an employer should act as a role model by adhering to set standards. This essentially means that nepotism or any form of discrimination should not be entertained at all.

Despite several employment benefits on offer, employment disputes can derail any meaningful progress made in the workplace. Suing for defamation in such a case can only be compared to opening a proverbial can of worms at work. Before making any decision, contact an experienced Michigan employment law attorney for crucial advice on the next steps to follow.