If you have a disability, you could encounter various challenges in daily life, especially when it comes to the workplace. Unfortunately, some disabled job applicants and employees experience various violations of their rights (such as sexual harassment and discrimination). In fact, employers have to provide reasonable accommodations for covered workers who have a disability.
If your employer fails to respect your rights, you need to understand your options and take action. You deserve fair treatment for your hard work and should never feel as if you have to remain silent because you will lose your job or face other adverse actions.
Reasonable accommodations and undue hardship
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employers who have at least 15 employees cannot discriminate against disabled workers and they also have to provide reasonable accommodations. Under the law, employers have to offer reasonable accommodations for workers with disabilities, so long as these accommodations do not create undue hardships for employers. Undue hardships include measures that are too costly or difficult to put in place.
Looking at examples of reasonable accommodations
There are a number of examples of reasonable accommodations, such as helping disabled workers access written material by offering the content via audiotape, Braille or large print. Modifying work schedules, making the workplace more accessible and offering sign language interpreters are some other examples of accommodations.
Unfortunately, some employers fail to respect the legal rights of disabled employees as well as those applying for a position. Employers who disregard the law and fail to safeguard the rights of staff members must answer for their actions.