As the tech industry continues to evolve rapidly, baby boomers face significant challenges in the workplace and job market. Despite the high demand for tech workers, boomers are struggling to find a place in the new knowledge economy. Let's explore the common issues...
At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, justice is worth fighting for
Employment Law
What does retaliation against whistleblowers look like?
Anyone considering reporting a workplace violation should know that the law is on their side. There are many legal protections the government offers, including to those who report their employer for illegal activity and rights violations. With these protections in...
Automotive whistleblower program encourages reporting violations
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's whistleblower program promotes reporting vehicle safety violations. According to the NHTSA website, whistleblowers help correct serious vehicle safety issues. Employees reporting companies that fail to comply with...
Reasonable accommodations and disabled workers
If you have a disability, you could encounter various challenges in daily life, especially when it comes to the workplace. Unfortunately, some disabled job applicants and employees experience various violations of their rights (such as sexual harassment and...
Age discrimination: spotlighting a persistent workplace wrong
The challenges posed by on-the-job discrimination targeting workers in Michigan and nationally are many and enduring. That is just fact, a reality both unarguable and persistent. It is prominently underscored in one authoritative Michigan legal source addressing...
Why does my company need to develop an employee handbook?
When starting a business, entrepreneurs tend to focus on the product or service in progress. In many cases, a minimal number of people collaborate on getting things off the ground. Spun up in the frenzy of bringing a project to fruition, new hires come on board as...
Employment disputes over arbitration agreements
Finding the right job can be a challenging thing to accomplish. When one finally does, signing an employment contract without reading it may result in one giving up his or her rights to pursue legal options in order to resolve employment disputes. How is this possible...
When can a wrongful termination lawsuit be filed?
Those in Michigan who have been let go from their places of employment have every right to question whether their employers were justified in firing them. In many cases the answer will be yes, they were, but there are other cases when the answer will be no. Employers...
Michigan employment disputes: Employee classification matters
When taking a job in Michigan or elsewhere, how one's employment status is classified really matters. Numerous employment disputes arise over employers misclassifying employees so as to avoid paying overtime and benefits. Those who believe that their work status was...
When can one file a wrongful termination lawsuit?
When an employer deems it necessary, he or she has the right to fire an employee. There are various reasons, though, in which firing is illegal. Michigan residents who have been released from their jobs under any one of the following circumstances may pursue wrongful...