Our Attorneys Stand With Whistleblowers
When an employer is suspected of engaging in illegal actions and benefiting from these actions, an employee may take it upon him or herself to report this to the proper authorities. When this happens, the individual who did the reporting is called a whistleblower.
Whistleblowers are often courageous people, but feel alone in the workplace. They are seeing wrong committed on a regular basis at their companies but understand that if they report and stand up for what is right, they are risking their jobs. It is important for whistleblowers to know that they are not alone. An experienced lawyer can be on their side.
Call Akeel & Valentine, PLC, at 248-918-4542 for a whistleblower consultation. We work with clients nationwide. Read our Whistleblower FAQ page.
On The Side Of Whistleblowers And Concerned Employees
At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, our lawyers understand the specific questions and concerns that whistleblowers have. From our Troy and Dearborn, Michigan, offices, we are dedicated to aggressively standing up for the rights of individuals who have blown the whistle on their employers. It is important to us that clients feel they have an ally in our firm. In addition to handling whistleblower cases, we also represent clients in the related matters of False Claims Act cases and qui tam issues.
AV has assisted the United States in combating Medicare and Medicaid Fraud in False Claims Act (Qui Tam) actions, resulting in seizures of millions of dollars in fraudulently obtained federal funds
As a whistleblower, you should be rewarded, not scapegoated. Our firm is proud of clients who take risks, and we are committed to holding them up for their heroic efforts.
Fighting For You At Every Stage Of The Process
Whether you are considering reporting your employer, already have done so or have been fired due to your whistleblowing, our firm can step in at any stage of the process. However, the sooner we become involved, the more we can work to protect your rights. We can advise you on how to proceed if you are considering making a claim of wrongdoing against your employer.
Consultation With An Attorney
Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation at our firm. Our attorneys can review your case during a confidential meeting and determine the best way in which to pursue a resolution to the situation. Let us help you deal with the whistleblower issues you are facing.