We Fight Against Workplace Racial Harassment
In 1964, the U.S. government enacted the Civil Rights Act, which is the law of the land when it comes to racial discrimination in the workplace. You have rights that demand fair treatment by your employers, but many companies do everything they can to subvert that right, which is why you want to turn to a racial discrimination attorney you can trust.
At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, we serve clients both in Michigan and across the U.S. in racial discrimination in workplace cases. We fight racial profiling with every tool the law allows us, from the Civil Rights Act to local laws in each state. Our dedication to justice is an extension of our compassion and care for the people we represent.
How The Law Lets Us Fight For You
The Civil Rights Act is the standard-bearer law for racial discrimination; it creates a baseline. However, most states have instituted their own laws with greater protections, such as the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act in Michigan. Local and federal laws often create several rights for people who may face racial discrimination and do not allow employers to take race into account in situations such as:
- Termination or disciplinary action
- Promotions
- Compensation
- Work assignments
- Employee/contractor classification
- Benefits
In addition, employers who foster an unhealthy workplace dynamic among their minority employees – also known as a hostile work environment – are accountable for such actions.
We understand the basic federal rights and how they interact with state laws across the country, and we stand up for any person facing a racist, unjust workplace.
It’s Not Just About Your Rights; It’s About Justice For Everyone
Every time a person chooses to “ignore” the problem, the problem gets worse, and justice is delayed. When facing racial discrimination in the workplace, there is no easy way forward. However, you don’t have to face it alone. Reach out to us by email to learn how we can fight for you or call us at 248-918-4542.