At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, justice is worth fighting for

We Fight National Origin Discrimination

At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, we never lose sight of what matters to our clients. We believe that they are all entitled to justice and protection of their constitutional rights and freedoms in the workplace. That commitment also applies to clients of all ethnic backgrounds, including those that were born outside of the United States.

Akeel & Valentine, PLC, with offices in Dearborn and Troy, understands human rights and vigorously represent people in discrimination claims involving national origin. Whether you have suffered so-called harmless teasing, harassment or wrongful termination based on your ethnicity, we will pursue justice on your behalf.

If you believe that you have suffered illegal discrimination in a federal workplace in the Detroit area or elsewhere in Michigan, call us at 248-918-4542.

Zero Tolerance Policies Do Not Stop Ethnic Discrimination

Even though the federal government has a zero tolerance policy involving discrimination of all forms, hostile work environments still exist. Making false assumptions about your nationality is not a minor issue. Losing professional opportunities because of national origin is illegal and often takes the form of:

  • Denied pay increases
  • Different benefits
  • Refusal to promote
  • Less desirable assignments
  • Singled out in layoffs

At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, we pursue claims aggressively and fight for the best option. Oftentimes, employers are required to rehire the victim of discrimination. That includes back pay for lost wages, benefits that were lost, and reimbursements for court and attorney fees. Judges who deem the discriminatory acts as intentional often impose punitive damages for the emotional stress.

Contact Our Firm For A Consultation

Contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our office locations. A knowledgeable nationality discrimination lawyer at our firm can evaluate your case and determine if we have grounds upon which to proceed with your discrimination claim.